Light Wizard

I am an adventurer of the imagination and I live in a limitless land of endless possibility.

I am a creator… and my artwork is my glorious rebellion against the mundane.

I make the most compelling, inspiring, and moving symbols that I can because the most valuable gift I can give this world is living a meaningful life that affects others in a positive way.  

My invitation is for people to step into authenticity and stretch the limits of their possibilities; surrendering to the dream, and living in the highest and truest expression of themselves.

While I am here experiencing this mystery called Life I will be on an inspired mission of self mastery; leading from the heart, creating unique expressions of the soul, living with purpose, and blazing a trail with my truth.

I am here to shine as bright as I can; illuminate our inner worlds, light up the human spirit, and reveal the magic within.

Click here to see more of Light Wizard’s work

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