Room acoustics describes how sound behaves in a space. If the room has no sound absorbing surfaces (wall, roof and floor), the sound will bounce between the surfaces and and will not be heard accurately. This is because the listener hears both the direct sound and reflected sound waves, simultaneously. This causes “standing waves” in the room which translate to spikes and dips in the overall EQ curve of the speakers. The result is an inaccurate representation of the sound, and typically causes the listener to make poor mix choices.
Make no mistake, our products aren’t just for show, they’re PROFESSIONALLY designed studio grade acoustic panels with an NRC rating of 1.10. All of our panel cores are made of a 3.5 inch thick, non-toxic material called mineral wool (which in most cases, performs better than standard fiberglass cores). When the sound wave penetrates the core, the sound energy through friction is changed into heat. The residual sound that doesn’t get absorbed on the way in bounces off the back wall and then back through the panel a second time for even more sonic absorption.